Thursday, February 25, 2010

....Fleetwood Mac....

THE FIRST FLEETWOOD MAC ALBUM I EVER BOUGHT WAS THE DANCE. I wore it out. I just bought a new copy, but the copy I had was so screwed up and scratched, I knew I had fallen in love all those years ago. I remember watching the concert at my uncle's house, watching Stevie in her flowing black chiffon, the music flowing into my ears and into my heart. They were all pretty fascinating; the best part was my uncle telling me that Stevie was a witch, and that she was like "us", and the clothes she was wearing were available online. I was so happy to know that. I was also 13. I remember his "wife" explaining who the Goddess Rhiannon was, and what she did. That was amazing. This band was the most mystical, beautiful, awesome thing I had ever seen or heard!! But really....weren't they both telling me what they knew of The Mac from what they'd known from the 70's? I think so. What does Stevie say about being a witch? Well, that she isn't one.
I've talked about Stevie though. What I want to talk about is the Fleetwood Mac I've loved for so long without even knowing it. I mean I could talk about them as a whole, and which incarnation is not my favourite:

(anytime you need to replace one guy with two, it's never good)

I could talk about which songs I love. My favourite Stevie penned song? "Rhiannon", "Dreams", "Gold Dust Woman", "Silver Springs".....really I could go favourite Christine penned songs? "Songbird", "Hold Me", "Over My Head", "Say You Love Me", "Little Lies". Lindsey? He's a bit trickier. I favourite song of his "My Little Demon". Sorry Buckingham, but I'm a sucker for the girlies.
The best way for me to do this is to talk about each of them as artists. Why they appeal to me, why their music does what it does to me. Why when I yell TUSK! it makes me happy! I guess I'll start with:
Christine McVie

Sexy as hell, talented like you wouldn't believe, and very underestimated in my viewing. This brooding beauty wrote some of the most bluesy and beautiful songs that The Mac ever had. I think I always forget how a Christine McVie song can puncture my gut. When I put an FM album in the player and drive to work, her songs always sneak up on me. They always start my eyes watering, and I try, in vain, to sing along. I can't sing her songs. She owns them with that haunting, willowy tone. I'm sorry, Chris, I should listen to you more often.

Lindsey Buckingham

Oh Jesus, what can I say about Lindsey? He plays like a crazy man, fast and furious with the same familiar sound. I always recognize Lindsey's handiwork, and I like it. I have to be in the mood for his music, but I always enjoy it. It's like candy: I can't have too much or I get tired of it. YES, without him the incarnation of The Mac that I love would not sound like they do. Lindsey's songs are always mean, but fun, and very sexual. You're one horny son of a gun, dude.

Mick Fleetwood

I'll be honest--I don't much attention to Mick. I think this is a case of, Chris, Stevie, and Lindsey brainwashed me. I feel like a dork now. I mean I've gone through the trouble of separating him from JOHN for crying out loud. Isn't it sort of sad that I don't pay attention to the FOUNDER of my favourite band?
He's a neat guy for sure, an amazing drummer, and for some reason has this hold on Stevie Nicks that I can't even understand. When I watch Mick play I'm all, YEAH! YOU LOOK INSANE, DUDE!! How much of your eyeballs can I see today?????!!! I appreciate the guy, I do. I guess when you're not a drummer and the short girl in the tall boots holds your attention, it's hard to keep your eyes on the heart of the band in the background. (SORRY KDJ!)

John McVie

This dude is a badass. I say that coz he's in one of the most famous bands in the world, and I'm pretty sure if I saw him in Walmart, I'd be the only one freaking out. John does his job, gets paid, and goes fishing. Damn straight. My kinda guy!! Whooo....nice hat....HELP!! OH help. I'm sorry. (You guys reading this are like, you fucking NO I love John. I like watching him. People are screaming and yelling and wearing weird clothes and he's just, jamming his ass off!!!
Stevie Nicks

Anyways before I dig a hole I cannot climb out of, I'll say this:

If I did not have Fleetwood Mac's music in my life I'd be pretty boring. I'm so glad my misguided Uncle showed them to me. He said something once about "Stevie is a witch", and I said "she said she's not a witch, she just likes to wear black." He shut up real damn quick, the student had surpassed the teacher, and it felt GOOD! BWAHHAAHHAAHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!

So....what did we learn? We learned that Moni needs to get her Mick Fleetwood learnin' on. Also, I love The Mac and they make me happy.


OH....SHAKE IT. <3




  1. I LOVE your banner! And Stevie Nicks iS a witch! LOLOLOL! LOVE YOU! xoxoxo
