Wednesday, January 27, 2010

....Stevie Nicks....

WHAT CAN I SAY ABOUT MY MOST FAVOURITE GYPSY? Only that I love her with all my heart. If you haven't noticed (and honesty if you didn't notice you weren't reading...) I am a huge Stevie fan. I have loved Fleetwood Mac since I was young, but I have been a hardcore Stevie Nicks fan since 2004 when I created "If Anyone Falls". At that time I had been messing around with Angelfire for a long time (I'd had several websites that went nowhere....) and the original purpose for the site was to be a memorial for Jonathan Brandis. Well....after extensively researching Stevie one night, meaning, I just started googling pictures of her, I fell in love with her. Her make up, her hair, her voice. I ran out and bought "Timespace". I always buy the greatest hits before I buy an album. If I like ALL the songs on that CD....I buy an album. Then another, and another, and another....UNTIL I HAVE CREATED A WEBSITE, BOUGHT KNEE HIGH PLATFORM BOOTS AND A TOP HAT, AND STARTED TWIRLING AROUND MY LIVING ROOM!! friends....I look like this:

BUT....I digress. I'm now going to smooth out my chiffon and tell you the rest of the story.

I named the site "If Anyone Falls" because that is the song that got me in my heart. I think maybe it was the lyrics. Stevie (whom my darling Chris called "a song writer of the highest order") has a way of writing that wraps around my heart and squeezes out my emotions. It's beautiful. "Somewhere in the twilight, dreamtime....somewhere in the back of your mind...." My god Stevie! Is there where that love resides? Of course I'm being a sappy dorkling, but that is a beautiful line. This woman can write a line like nobody else.
The most famous? "Thunder only happens when it's raining, players only love you when their playing".

My personal faves:

"Don't blame it on me, blame it on my wild heart."
"Dreams unwind, loves a state of mind."

All truths, wisdoms, declarations of love, and confessions of weakness in the face of love. Its true what I said in a story I once wrote, Stevie Nicks falls in love like rain falls from the sky. Do I know this? No. Not personally. But her songs are such that I can pretty much gather so. I don't usually like to read into song lyrics, but its very hard not to when the woman opens up her heart and spills it into a typewriter.

She's beautiful too. EVERYONE can see this. I mean for crying out loud she was a sex symbol. My darling admitted to lusting over her back in the day. I mean....she was HOT....still is hot....but back then she exuded this....sensuality.

I cannot in those boots, even if I own a pair, look that hot. COME ON!!! Sexy Gypsy Mama!!! Whoo whoo!! (Sorry I was nine years old again for minute.) Why haven't I done that as painting? Man!

If Stevie has taught me anything in the time I've been her fan, it's that being myself is the best way to be. That being a hopeless romantic with a passionate heart is an attribute, not a hinderance. That chiffon is not be ignored. That black lace gloves are hot, that top hats look good on me, and platform boots are not comfy but they are very beautiful.

Lately though, the Gypsy's talent and creativity have been questioned by people who don't realize this: STEVIE NICKS owes you squat. She's given you the world's most beautiful classic songs, a gorgeous voice, and many many wonderful glimpses into her heart. What more can you ask for? I say, there is nothing more. If the tattoos on my arms are any indication, I will love Stevie for my whole life.

The tambourine was my VERY FIRST tattoo and yes, it was inspired by the one on the cover of "Bella Donna".


I think its only appropriate. Hee!

When I met him he noticed my sleeve..."Nice ink," he said. I told him it was a Stevie tattoo....he told me they were friends....I wish I had reacted! LOL! HE WAS SO HOT!! OMG!!

okay...I'm going now....HAVE A GOOD NIGHT PIPPLEZ!!


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