Thursday, March 17, 2011


Tumblr at me.

Back soon with good shit.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

....Chris Isaak Fucking Sang To Me....

Chris and I
Phoenix, Arizona
September 23, 2010

YES THIS IS A PICTURE OF ME AND CHRIS ISAAK, MAN OF MY DREAMS. I scrimped and saved for a V.I.P ticket knowing that he was no longer doing meet and greet lines. I have met him before in the line, but it was for a very short moment. This was very different.
I went to Phoenix, AZ for this one, buying a new dress, having my sister making me a flower for my hair, and wearing six inch heels. BADASS six inch heels....that I could barely walk in but HEY! I didn't care. I looked good.
I would tell you what happened when I got there, but really all that happened was I stood around with my sister and this very nice lady I made friends with named Mara, (HAI GUUURLLL!) and saw Chris' drummer, Kenney Dale Johnson, walk up to the glass door of the bar at the Celebrity Theater, and I pointed him out to my sister. She didn't see him. She was too busy talking with Mara about cats.
After waiting, saying bye to my Sis (we could only afford me), and being so nervous that I broke out the night before, Chris walked into the room with Kenney following him. Chris walked by me wearing his black shirt and white pants, holding his J-200 Gibson with his name emblazoned on it. He said, "hi" to me, and all that came out of me was this weird, desperate sounding "hi."
He and Kenney sat down, decided they would surprise us, and broke into "You Hurt Me So". Which....I've heard him do in countless interviews. So, trying not to sing along, I looked upon the object of my affection, and while doing this, noticed I was being eyeballed by Kenney, who noticed that I was FUCKING GAZING at Chris. I quickly looked away. Mind you, this all happened in like two minutes. All of it.
They sang, Chris stood up and said "what can I sign for ya?" and began his rounds. There were 12 of us, so I was lucky to be in a small room with a small amount of people.
When Chris got to me, he said, "How are you?"
This was said softly, I think he could see how nervous I was.
"I'm fine how are you?"
"I'm fine."
"Actually I'm freaking out," I said.
I forget what else was said in this moment. He did say "I'm lookin' at your tattoos."
He's seen them, it had just been two years and who remembers someone they met for a mili-second two years ago?
"Oh yeah, the first time you almost pulled my arm out of my socket, and my sister almost killed you."
He chuckled. I had handed him my hoodie. He looked at my arm, and at the hoodie, saying under his breath "what can I write, what can I write."
Well....this is what he wrote:
This has since been completely ruined by trying to scotchguard it. It's still there, it's just faded.
In the middle of drawing this for me, he said "do you want to take the picture now?" to the woman who had been our guide. She nodded, Chris leaned in a little and so did I, and something made me giggle.
I giggled so much that when the flash went off, my mouth was open, my teeth were now in the picture I had dreamed of having for so long.
"Oh NO!" I said, "you made me show my teeth!"
He looked at me and said, "what's wrong with your teeth?"
Now in my life I have been accused of being *shudder* cute. So, this part would have to be put in that catagory.
I covered my mouth and said, "I don't like my gap."
"so?" he said, "that didn't stop that model, what's her name?"
He snapped his fingers trying to find it, the people in the room said, "Lauren Hutton."
"Yeah, Lauren Hutton."
"But she's gorgeous all around, you see." I said.
He leaned back, "You're gorgeous all around too, don't sell yourself short."
I could do nothing but fall over a little, say "Oh my god," recollect and say, "Thank you."
"Everyone has something they don't like," He said, handing me my hoodie. "I don’t like my neck, I have such a long neck, whenever someone buys me like a “v” neck, I think I’m gonna
look like a giraffe in that! That’s why for like a movie, they show me my wardrobe, I’m like anything but a v neck!”
He stood up to go sign more things for others, and I said, "well you look good in everything,
so don't worry."
He said thank you. (Incidentally, I love his neck.)
It was at this time I noticed Kenney start introducing himself, and when I told him my name and where I was from, he said he'd been through Las Cruces.
"You blinked and you missed it!" I said.
"Well, I'm from the panhandle of Texas, so I understand." He said.
"Yeah true!" I said.
Kenney sat down next to me and started to pick on me, taking out his sharpie and trying to write on me, saying he was gonna "fix my tatt."
I said "No," playfully, and smiled.
He wanted to see my bracelet, made fun of me for my purse, and asked questions about my rings. All of my jewelry, all that I was wearing, was given to me. Kenney smiled.
"Man, people just GIVE you stuff."
I smiled, "People love me, I have a family."
He continued to talk with Mara, and I tried to catch the snippets of conversation Chris was having with everyone else in the room. He started talking about Russia, how he thought it
was gonna be this "black and white world, KGB, but it's like time square!"
I started to drop out. I'm sort of ADD sometimes, and I just float away when I'm not being spoken to.
I looked up and Kenney said, "right Moni?"
I said, "huh ?" and everyone laughed.
Then I lamented how everyone does that to me.
I could see that Chris about to exit, and as he sat down with Mara, she loaded up his lap with Corn Nuts. She happened to have some in her purse, having gotten off her braces. It
was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I didn't know he liked Corn Nuts. He really is the man of my dreams!!
Before they left, Chris told a story about scaring Kenney, and off they went to get ready
for the show.
I was right up front. If you've ever been to the Celebrity Theater, you know that the stage is round, it rotates, and that the front row is right up against it. I could TOUCH the stage.
What followed was my dancing to every song, mouthing the words. I took off my heels, which floating free almost ended up underneath said stage.
Chris noticed me right away, making faces and trying to get me smile. All I could do was giggle.
This was enough for me. Enough to make my life.
It was during "Worked It Out Wrong" that this changed. I was gazing again, and noticing me after singing the first half of the first verse, he quickly walked to the edge of the stage where I sat, crouched down, his face close to mine and sang:

I know that you're hurtin' too
I know you're all alone
I know that you're comin' back
I worked it out wrong
I worked it out wrong
Amazed, all I could do was look into his eyes. I knew this would never happen again, so I took full advantage to look at, and into, those eyes, and see his beautiful face so close to
my own.
Once he noticed he was slowly rotating away from me, he stood up went on with the song. I looked away and said to the people sitting with me, "I can die now!"
Other highlights included Kenney waving at me and saying "Hi Moni!"
It was such a great night, AN AMAZING show, and I will NEVER forget it. Never. He is the nicest guy, so sweet, so handsome.
I wish he knew I thought so.

And now....
This happened before the other picture, I just prefer the other one. I look less DUUURRR in it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

....The Tyrannosaurus Rex is A Wimp....

SO WHEN THEY SAID THAT MY BELOVED BRONTOSAURUS WAS ACTUALLY NOW BEING CALLED APATOSAURUS....I said okay, fine, that's okay. Aparently the Brontosaurus was a franken-dino, with the head of a Camarasaurus and the body of an Apatosaurus.
I know, I know, what in the hell does any of this have to do with anything?

Well, first, take a good look at the picture I have here. According to palentologist Jack R. Horner, a lot of these dinosaurs aren't what they seem. He's got a mostly "hate" relationship with the Tyrannosaurus Rex. According to Mr. Horner, and I'm sort of inclined to believe him, the T-Rex was not a predator, but a scavenger. It's teeth were massive and sharp, but were not serrated, so there's no way it could have torn through the tough flesh of another dinosaur.
It's arms are also up for debate, because, basically, it wasn't able to do much with them. It couldn't really grab anything, they were basically useless. To me, that's amazing, I sort of like the idea of throwing T-Rex off it's throne as the "King of the Dinosaurs". It was big and clumsy, and couldn't really do much but....lumber around and find some food. So, maybe it was a scavenger.
He also has the theory that a lot of "new" dinosaur species, like Dracorex Hogwartsia (Yes, it's a Harry Potter inspired name) are actually the offspring of already established species. Again, that is the most amazing thing I ever heard!!!

He claimed to have even found the complete skull of a baby Triceratops.

Now I'm hearing that Dr. Horner believes that triceratops never even existed. That it is actually a jeuvenille Torosaurus. I think I just heard my heart break. No Triceratops? Really? So Littlefoot and Cera were NOT who you think they were. Really.

So because palentologists are always in such a pissing match, we will never know the real truth about dinosaurs. I hope the news about Triceratops isn't true, because if it is, I gotta get a new favourite dinosaur.

Alright, enough of that nerdy science lesson. I love to learning about dinosaurs, promise it'll be back to the crap next time. LOL


AH HA!! See what I did there, I suprised you with the sexy!!


Sunday, July 25, 2010

....Retractions From the Tardis....

SO THIS IS JUST A POST TO SAY....I GOOFED ON MY LAST DOCTOR THEMED POST....I said that Amelia's aunt was her mother. Sorry about that!
I wouldn't mind....but some people get touchy about that.
I mean I'm a NEW Whovian. I've come to this only knowing about the Eleventh Doctor. Not that there is anything wrong with Ten. He's great!! It's just that, well, Eleven is my Doctor.
When I first saw the "New" Daleks....well....I didn't really know they looked different. I mean....I'd never really seen a Dalek. I never cared before!! So, to me, they're actually pretty cool.
I like them, yeah they look like skittles, but who cares? Well. People apparently do. I mean, here's my thing: I'm liking them because they show imagination. They represent change, and that Matt Smith's stint as The Doctor will be different and even more exciting. Besides, I like this episode. I love it when The Doctor goes bonkers with the pipe on the Dalek. It's amazing.
What does CREEP me out, and even more so on this last episode are those damn Cybermen:

Good GOD that's just creepy.

I saw the episode (of DT's reign) where the Cybermen cut up the Torchwood lady. So yeah. I don't like them. LOL I was just gonna say sorry, and that I made the changes. And I got caught up talking about Doctor Who again. I like it though. These things seem to come to me when I'm not at my best, and they make it easier for me to deal.
Thanks for reading!! It's really not an official blog post tonight, so no gratuitous Chris Isaak picture. Maybe this:
I feel like I'm cheating on my Chris!! LOL!!! Enjoy, Whovians!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

....Hello Sweetie....

I KNOW I SAID MY NEXT POST WOULD BE DOCTOR-LESS....but the last two episodes were awesome, and I cheated and watched the season finale. Why, you may ask, did I do this? Well, dude, if you had seen the end of "The Pandorica Opens" you would have been just like I was. I stood up, screamed "DAAHHHH!!!" and demanded that I see the next part. My Sisser, who usually talks me out of watching the next episode online, agreed that we should be able to see the next part.
I was feeling stuck when "The Pandorica Opens" ended with Amy in Rory's arms, after Rory had been dead and forgotten, and the Doctor inside of the Pandorica screaming "LISTEN TO ME!!!" Not to mention that Rory, (who is plastic, apparently) has involuntarily shot Amy in the stomach with a gun that came out of his hand.
WHAT!!?!?!!? I was having none of this crap.
(Rory's crazy gun hand thing)
Like I told you before, I knew he'd get out, how? I wasn't sure. What did we learn from "The Pandorica Opens"? Well, that that crack had been eating at Amy's life. I mean I guess I could have gotten that from the second half (sorry LOL) but when the Doctor looked at Amy and asked her "Doesn't it bother you that your life doesn't make sense?" I was like, well that crack done ate her Mama!
STILL! I had to know!!
So, we popped the popcorn, got our stuff together, and here's where Doctor Song would say "Spoilers!!!"
So seriously, if you haven't seen "The Big Bang" turn back now.
This episode was freaking amazing. AMAZING!! We see little Amelia again, and this time when he prays for someone to come and help her, no one shows up. She's just as cute as ever and is painting stars in the sky....which wouldn't be unusual, but because River Song exploded the Tardis, there are no stars, no other planets, just the earth alone in the vaccuum of space, heated by the explosion from our favourite blue box.
But I'm getting ahead....
Amelia is in bed as her Aunt Sharon is showing her kiddie shrink out the door, (remember, she bit them all LOL) she is eavesdropping when someone slips a note into her mail slot. What is it? It's a museum foldout!!
Amelia opens it to see a circle and an arrow pointing to that damned Pandorica!!
Not to mention the note on the back that says "Come along, Pond". (That cuted me OUT!!)
So, little Amelia decides to go to the museum, b-lines it for the Pandorica section, and notices a sticky note on the Pandorica that reads "Stick around Pond". So she runs away from her (bitchy) Aunt and hides until the museum closes.
Of course, this is the part where I was getting all nutso and saying "THE DOCTOR!! LET HIM OUT!!!" because I've developed a crush on Matt Smith (or the Doctor I'm not sure) and I wanted to get him out because no doubt it had been a long time!!
Of course Little Amelia watches in amazement as the Pandorica (how many times did I type this?) OPENS to reveal....AMY POND?!???!

How did Amy get in there? I'm not telling. You need to see it from then on. Just know that Fezes are not cool, and that The Doctor is the goddamn man!
Oh, yeah and "The Lodger" was cute and creepy as hell (boffo footballing scenes, he just showed off a lot LOL), and this was the best part of the whole thing:

Naked Doctor. Yum!!
So that's pretty much it!! I'm still gonna have Doctor Who Margarita Saturday, coz I NEED to see the season finale again!! It was soooooo good!! AMY AND RORY'S WEDDING!! AHHHH!!! LOVE!!


Haz a good night, PIPPLEZ!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

....STILL More Doctor Who!!!....

SPOILERS SUCK!!! THEY DO, THEY REALLY DO!!! It seems in this day and age if you don't want to know anything about your favourite show, you shouldn't go online. Especially with my Doctor.
Just watching an interview with Matt Smith, I got spoiled!! From an episode that's after an episode I haven't seen!!! The Fourth of July weekend has put a damper on me seeing "The Lodger". I guess I'll just do a Doctor Who Margarita Marathon!! Drunk Doctor oggling....always fun.
This last eppie that I saw was called "Vincent and the Doctor". It was pretty good, but mostly sad. I mean I realize that Vincent Van Gogh (pronounced Van GOFF, apparently) had issues. Most of us artists do. It was just sad to watch the guy weep because he knew that Amy and The Doctor would be leaving soon.
I enjoyed the thought of Amy staying and marrying him, if just for the fact that she might have actually been happy. I mean with Rory dying in such A HORRIBLE way, and then having her history erased by time energy, that's tough. Still Karen Gillan always redeems Amy. I enjoy Amy (having studied up on Rose and Martha), she has no interest in being in love with The Doctor, and only really jumped him out of sheer relief. I can't blame her, I would have done the same.
I guess I should put a little note about "The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood" two parter. Finding out BBC America basically chops up the eppies into 60 minutes, it's really no wonder these two episodes made little sense. Still, they were pretty good. I didn't like Ambrose, and really the Doctor did let her off too light, she did kill someone, even if that someone was a Homoreptilia.
It also kind of irritated me that she expected the Doctor to be watching her kid. Dude, YOU watch your damn kid!!! LOL
For some reason I liked The Doctor saying "Does anyone have any celery? Maybe a tomato?" It was cute. I'm a sucker for cute.
As for "The Lodger", I saw a one minute clip and am really excited to see how it turns out!! I mean, half naked Doctor!!! Come on!!!
Another thing that got spoiled for me was learning exactly what "The Pandorica" is. After hearing it's a prison for all eternity, and that the Doctor has been trapped inside it, I know he's going to get out just from what River Song said in "Flesh and Stone", as I got even more annoyed by her, (LOL) "You'll see me again when the Pandorica opens...." to which the Doctor says, "I look forward to it." Then River smiles, "I remember it well." So YEAH he's getting out, not to mention he's, you know, THE DOCTOR!!!
So far I've enjoyed all the episodes, and I know this is only Matt Smith's first season as the Doctor, but it's pretty good, which means that the second will be even better!!

I have been completed as a Fangirl. LOL

Welp, I think that's pretty much all I have to say for tonight. I promise my next post will be Doctor-less. LOL


GOLLY he's so hot. LOL
It's a concert shot....'cause I got my ticket!!! I'm a V.I.P!!! WhOOO I get my picture!!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

....IT'S TOO DARN HOT, MORE Doctor Who, and Sherman Alexie....

OH MY GOD IN HEAVEN IT IS INCREDIBLY HOT IN OUR HOUSE!!!!! It's insane. We're waiting for an estimate for an air conditioner, meanwhile, we bought two evaporative coolers. Point is, Ladies and Jellyspoons, we're gonna have to visit our mommies for a bit this weekend. I figure our house is turning into some sort of sweat lodge, and I for one ain't having any visions, other than a vision of a new air conditioner.
Other than that I finally got to see "Amy's Choice". The Doctor Who eppie that's new in America, old news in the UK, which is irritating me because I can't even go onto DeviantArt without seeing some sort of spoiler. Of course I think that's what I get for drawing this and joining a "Doctor Who Art" group:

It's called "I Love Eleven". Check out my DeviantArt Page for more of my crap!!!
Anyways it was a pretty good episode, and if you didn't see it don't read this. I guess I liked the idea that Amy wasn't fully admitting to herself that she's not ready to settle down. She was pretty cute pregnant, and Rory was adorable trying to be a good husband. Other than that, a lot of my Whosian pals sort of hyped it up so much that when I actually saw it, I had been waiting for the whole "Amy and the Poncho Boys" joke. But it was the best line ever....
"If we're gonna die, let's die looking like a Peruvian flute band!"
Oh yes, homemade ponchos and cute Time Lords make for a GREAT "Doctor Who Margarita Saturday"!!!
Which brings me, SORT OF to my next topic. I love my Doctor and I tend to get a bit carried away!
I have been reading Sherman Alexie's books for some years now.

Out of all his books, (and I've read nearly all of them) my favourite remains the first I ever read, "Reservation Blues". I picked this book up by chance in our local library and read it all the way through in a couple of days. If you haven't read it, it's so amazing. It's why I love his character Thomas Builds-The-Fire. It's about three Spokane Indian guys, Thomas, Victor, and Junior, who end up possessing the possessed guitar of an old blues man, and start a band called "Coyote Springs" with it. It's amazingly good.
The last two of his books that I read were "Flight", and "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian". "Flight" was an amazing story about a troubled teen who gets to see life through the eyes of several different people, before he commits a bank robbery. I read it in one night.
"Part-Time Indian" was really good and SOOO funny. It's about a boy named Junior (notice a pattern, I'm sure it's not the same Junior) who wants to go to the white school off of his reservation to play basketball and get a better education. Of course he gets a lot of flack from his very angry best friend Rowdy, but he seems to over come it in the end.
One thing about Sherman's books that you have to understand before you read them: He's a very proud Spokane Indian who loves basketball, and Hank Williams. These books feed me in ways other books haven't been able to in a long time. I always wait for the new books. Have been for a long time.
My sis ordered me this one today! I was veryyyyyy happy!! I can't wait to open it. I love new book smell, especially if it's one of his books. I need to get all of his poetry books.
So I guess that's it for tonight!! It's nearly 1 am and I need to get to bed for work in the morning.

OH yeah....I'm gonna loose my job. Meh. I'll be okay.
Ahhhh yes, a picture of my LOVE in SWEEEEDEEENN!! AHHH, or was this Finland? I don't remember. NO WAIT! It was Helsinki, Finland.

