Sunday, July 25, 2010

....Retractions From the Tardis....

SO THIS IS JUST A POST TO SAY....I GOOFED ON MY LAST DOCTOR THEMED POST....I said that Amelia's aunt was her mother. Sorry about that!
I wouldn't mind....but some people get touchy about that.
I mean I'm a NEW Whovian. I've come to this only knowing about the Eleventh Doctor. Not that there is anything wrong with Ten. He's great!! It's just that, well, Eleven is my Doctor.
When I first saw the "New" Daleks....well....I didn't really know they looked different. I mean....I'd never really seen a Dalek. I never cared before!! So, to me, they're actually pretty cool.
I like them, yeah they look like skittles, but who cares? Well. People apparently do. I mean, here's my thing: I'm liking them because they show imagination. They represent change, and that Matt Smith's stint as The Doctor will be different and even more exciting. Besides, I like this episode. I love it when The Doctor goes bonkers with the pipe on the Dalek. It's amazing.
What does CREEP me out, and even more so on this last episode are those damn Cybermen:

Good GOD that's just creepy.

I saw the episode (of DT's reign) where the Cybermen cut up the Torchwood lady. So yeah. I don't like them. LOL I was just gonna say sorry, and that I made the changes. And I got caught up talking about Doctor Who again. I like it though. These things seem to come to me when I'm not at my best, and they make it easier for me to deal.
Thanks for reading!! It's really not an official blog post tonight, so no gratuitous Chris Isaak picture. Maybe this:
I feel like I'm cheating on my Chris!! LOL!!! Enjoy, Whovians!!!

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