Tuesday, August 3, 2010

....The Tyrannosaurus Rex is A Wimp....

SO WHEN THEY SAID THAT MY BELOVED BRONTOSAURUS WAS ACTUALLY NOW BEING CALLED APATOSAURUS....I said okay, fine, that's okay. Aparently the Brontosaurus was a franken-dino, with the head of a Camarasaurus and the body of an Apatosaurus.
I know, I know, what in the hell does any of this have to do with anything?

Well, first, take a good look at the picture I have here. According to palentologist Jack R. Horner, a lot of these dinosaurs aren't what they seem. He's got a mostly "hate" relationship with the Tyrannosaurus Rex. According to Mr. Horner, and I'm sort of inclined to believe him, the T-Rex was not a predator, but a scavenger. It's teeth were massive and sharp, but were not serrated, so there's no way it could have torn through the tough flesh of another dinosaur.
It's arms are also up for debate, because, basically, it wasn't able to do much with them. It couldn't really grab anything, they were basically useless. To me, that's amazing, I sort of like the idea of throwing T-Rex off it's throne as the "King of the Dinosaurs". It was big and clumsy, and couldn't really do much but....lumber around and find some food. So, maybe it was a scavenger.
He also has the theory that a lot of "new" dinosaur species, like Dracorex Hogwartsia (Yes, it's a Harry Potter inspired name) are actually the offspring of already established species. Again, that is the most amazing thing I ever heard!!!

He claimed to have even found the complete skull of a baby Triceratops.

Now I'm hearing that Dr. Horner believes that triceratops never even existed. That it is actually a jeuvenille Torosaurus. I think I just heard my heart break. No Triceratops? Really? So Littlefoot and Cera were NOT who you think they were. Really.

So because palentologists are always in such a pissing match, we will never know the real truth about dinosaurs. I hope the news about Triceratops isn't true, because if it is, I gotta get a new favourite dinosaur.

Alright, enough of that nerdy science lesson. I love to learning about dinosaurs, promise it'll be back to the crap next time. LOL


AH HA!! See what I did there, I suprised you with the sexy!!


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