Tuesday, March 16, 2010

....RuPaul's Drag Race, Varla Jean Merman, and Why I love Drag Queens....

I ALMOST FEEL, AS A STRAIGHT GIRL, I HAVE NO REAL AUTHORITY TO WRITE THIS LATEST ENTRY. But I love drag queens oh so much. I watched the entire first season of "Rupaul's Drag Race" for two reasons: One, I have always loved RuPaul since I first saw her. I think I was like 8. Two, drag queens make me wish I was gay boy so I could join them. I mean I COULD dress up, but then I would just be an over done woman. I already wear a neck-breaking amount of eyeshadow and liner.
Anyways, the first season was great!! They were all very good, looked hella sexy, and in some instances, I forgot they were boys. Shannel impressed me something crazy. She said she was showgirl, and damned if she didn't work it. I loved it all. I loved Nina Flowers, she even more stunning!! AND BEBE ZAHARA BENET!!! What a gorgeous Jungle Woman!! I'm telling you, the girls last year were awesome. Now I'm not saying the girls this year are awful, they're just not, to me, trying as hard as last year. They're all sort of, well, skanky. I like Raven....she's pretty. I don't know....maybe I just like my drag queens a little more AMAZING.

LIKE VARLA JEAN MERMAN!! I'm absolutely in LOVE with her.

I saw her the other night on one of Logo's stand-up specials, OHHHH MY GOD so funny and pretty!! She was a freaking dirty slut and sang some kick ass original songs, check out "Pearl Necklace". I'm telling you, pee your pants funny!!!

I'm really not sure why drag queens appeal to me. Maybe it's the clothes, or maybe the make up, or the fact that a man can just put on some make up, and look way better than I ever have in a dress. I've seen some absolutely beautiful queens, and have dug them all!!! I guess, I just appreciate the art form they work so hard at.



Could you be, the most beautiful boy in the world?? LOL


Saturday, March 6, 2010

....Moving, My Poster Dilemma, and Paintings....

I AM FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE MOVING AWAY FROM HOME. Unforeseen events have led to the culmination of my entire family moving out of our house and into more affordable digs. I am moving in with my Sisser (My best friend of 10 years who'd be insulted if I called her my friend) and her husband, who also means the world to me. It's fucking scaring me retarded, let me tell you. I'm very excited to be finally getting out on my own in some way, but at the same moment I will miss my Mom very much. I think what I'll miss most is having her there to talk to. A lot of crazy shit went down and I fucking hate it.
Anyway, moving is bringing up some issues. FIRST on the menu is my closet. It's fucking stuffed with crap. It's mostly old clothes and crap from my old room. I miss that room. It was huge. It was also yellow and covered in Backstreet Boys posters at one point. SECOND is my posters. I have an Isaakwall , it's fucking insane and covered from end to end, and also leaks off onto the next wall. All my Stevie posters barely went up a few months ago and have go down now.
My paintings are all on canvas and heavy as hell. Mostly....I'm just exhausted thinking about it.
Which brings me to the fact that I'm working on two commissions and one painting for fun. My first commission comes from my Sisser who wanted a Bioshock painting of a Little Sister and Big Daddy about to harvest someone. She's pretty in love with Bioshock. The end result should look like this:
But probably not because my work is so matter of fact. There's really not much mystery. The colours are very solid. The last painting I did was of the CI Man it came out pretty good actually, and it was the first time I'd really done a lot of shadow and light. I was pretty happy with myself. I usually am when I'm done. I think I'm a good painter. NOT GREAT or fucking Frida Kahlo. I will NEVER be Frida. I like to think in my own way I'm doing something good. It makes me happy.
I've done a few other commissions, one of Bruce Springsteen for my buddy Melissa, another of Adam Lambert for my buddy Caleb, and a painting of my friend Brian which he requested. It's going pretty good, but the thought of moving is making me tired because I have a lot of stuff. I know I can handle it thought, I'm pretty good at adapting.

OH WELL!! Another chapter.


You are sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful....TOOOO mEEeeeEEE...<3

