Monday, June 28, 2010

....STILL More Doctor Who!!!....

SPOILERS SUCK!!! THEY DO, THEY REALLY DO!!! It seems in this day and age if you don't want to know anything about your favourite show, you shouldn't go online. Especially with my Doctor.
Just watching an interview with Matt Smith, I got spoiled!! From an episode that's after an episode I haven't seen!!! The Fourth of July weekend has put a damper on me seeing "The Lodger". I guess I'll just do a Doctor Who Margarita Marathon!! Drunk Doctor oggling....always fun.
This last eppie that I saw was called "Vincent and the Doctor". It was pretty good, but mostly sad. I mean I realize that Vincent Van Gogh (pronounced Van GOFF, apparently) had issues. Most of us artists do. It was just sad to watch the guy weep because he knew that Amy and The Doctor would be leaving soon.
I enjoyed the thought of Amy staying and marrying him, if just for the fact that she might have actually been happy. I mean with Rory dying in such A HORRIBLE way, and then having her history erased by time energy, that's tough. Still Karen Gillan always redeems Amy. I enjoy Amy (having studied up on Rose and Martha), she has no interest in being in love with The Doctor, and only really jumped him out of sheer relief. I can't blame her, I would have done the same.
I guess I should put a little note about "The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood" two parter. Finding out BBC America basically chops up the eppies into 60 minutes, it's really no wonder these two episodes made little sense. Still, they were pretty good. I didn't like Ambrose, and really the Doctor did let her off too light, she did kill someone, even if that someone was a Homoreptilia.
It also kind of irritated me that she expected the Doctor to be watching her kid. Dude, YOU watch your damn kid!!! LOL
For some reason I liked The Doctor saying "Does anyone have any celery? Maybe a tomato?" It was cute. I'm a sucker for cute.
As for "The Lodger", I saw a one minute clip and am really excited to see how it turns out!! I mean, half naked Doctor!!! Come on!!!
Another thing that got spoiled for me was learning exactly what "The Pandorica" is. After hearing it's a prison for all eternity, and that the Doctor has been trapped inside it, I know he's going to get out just from what River Song said in "Flesh and Stone", as I got even more annoyed by her, (LOL) "You'll see me again when the Pandorica opens...." to which the Doctor says, "I look forward to it." Then River smiles, "I remember it well." So YEAH he's getting out, not to mention he's, you know, THE DOCTOR!!!
So far I've enjoyed all the episodes, and I know this is only Matt Smith's first season as the Doctor, but it's pretty good, which means that the second will be even better!!

I have been completed as a Fangirl. LOL

Welp, I think that's pretty much all I have to say for tonight. I promise my next post will be Doctor-less. LOL


GOLLY he's so hot. LOL
It's a concert shot....'cause I got my ticket!!! I'm a V.I.P!!! WhOOO I get my picture!!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

....IT'S TOO DARN HOT, MORE Doctor Who, and Sherman Alexie....

OH MY GOD IN HEAVEN IT IS INCREDIBLY HOT IN OUR HOUSE!!!!! It's insane. We're waiting for an estimate for an air conditioner, meanwhile, we bought two evaporative coolers. Point is, Ladies and Jellyspoons, we're gonna have to visit our mommies for a bit this weekend. I figure our house is turning into some sort of sweat lodge, and I for one ain't having any visions, other than a vision of a new air conditioner.
Other than that I finally got to see "Amy's Choice". The Doctor Who eppie that's new in America, old news in the UK, which is irritating me because I can't even go onto DeviantArt without seeing some sort of spoiler. Of course I think that's what I get for drawing this and joining a "Doctor Who Art" group:

It's called "I Love Eleven". Check out my DeviantArt Page for more of my crap!!!
Anyways it was a pretty good episode, and if you didn't see it don't read this. I guess I liked the idea that Amy wasn't fully admitting to herself that she's not ready to settle down. She was pretty cute pregnant, and Rory was adorable trying to be a good husband. Other than that, a lot of my Whosian pals sort of hyped it up so much that when I actually saw it, I had been waiting for the whole "Amy and the Poncho Boys" joke. But it was the best line ever....
"If we're gonna die, let's die looking like a Peruvian flute band!"
Oh yes, homemade ponchos and cute Time Lords make for a GREAT "Doctor Who Margarita Saturday"!!!
Which brings me, SORT OF to my next topic. I love my Doctor and I tend to get a bit carried away!
I have been reading Sherman Alexie's books for some years now.

Out of all his books, (and I've read nearly all of them) my favourite remains the first I ever read, "Reservation Blues". I picked this book up by chance in our local library and read it all the way through in a couple of days. If you haven't read it, it's so amazing. It's why I love his character Thomas Builds-The-Fire. It's about three Spokane Indian guys, Thomas, Victor, and Junior, who end up possessing the possessed guitar of an old blues man, and start a band called "Coyote Springs" with it. It's amazingly good.
The last two of his books that I read were "Flight", and "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian". "Flight" was an amazing story about a troubled teen who gets to see life through the eyes of several different people, before he commits a bank robbery. I read it in one night.
"Part-Time Indian" was really good and SOOO funny. It's about a boy named Junior (notice a pattern, I'm sure it's not the same Junior) who wants to go to the white school off of his reservation to play basketball and get a better education. Of course he gets a lot of flack from his very angry best friend Rowdy, but he seems to over come it in the end.
One thing about Sherman's books that you have to understand before you read them: He's a very proud Spokane Indian who loves basketball, and Hank Williams. These books feed me in ways other books haven't been able to in a long time. I always wait for the new books. Have been for a long time.
My sis ordered me this one today! I was veryyyyyy happy!! I can't wait to open it. I love new book smell, especially if it's one of his books. I need to get all of his poetry books.
So I guess that's it for tonight!! It's nearly 1 am and I need to get to bed for work in the morning.

OH yeah....I'm gonna loose my job. Meh. I'll be okay.
Ahhhh yes, a picture of my LOVE in SWEEEEDEEENN!! AHHH, or was this Finland? I don't remember. NO WAIT! It was Helsinki, Finland.

